Federation of Slovak Christian Intellectuals - Federation of the Slovak Christian Intellectuals

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Mons. Mgr. Gašpar Fronc (fronc@ksnr.sk)

Members of the Presidium
Ing. Milan Barna, PhD.
Dr.h.c. RNDr. Jozef Kollár
RNDr. Jozefína Križanová

Vice Presidents
PhDr., PaedDr. Ján Maník PhD. (manikjanik@gmail.com)
Mgr. Et Mgr. Iveta Gallová

Executive Secretary
Ing. Blažena Orešková (blazena.oreskova@gmail.com)

Financial Assistent
RNDr. Jozefína Križanová (econ@uski.sk; finakriz@centrum.sk)

Doc. RNDr. Emil Běták, DrSc. (preds@uski.sk; betak@savba.sk)

Honorary President
Prof. RNDr. Jozef Tiňo, DrSc.

Spiritual Advisor, Chaplain
Mons. František Rábek

Our Mission
Education focused on relation between science and faith and spiritual growth
Propagation of Christian Principles on personal and professional life

Radost a nádej – RAN (Gaudium et Spes)

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